Does this sound familiar?

I was not taught how to deal with my feelings (ANGER, SADNESS, FRUSTRATION, SELF PRIDE), I was punished for crying, ridiculed for grandiose ideas to solve global issues and even accused of cheating when I got an A+. I learned that these feelings were BAD! So I suppressed my feelings. As a young adult, after a break-up, I had no where to turn... I was left alone with me and my feelings. Here's the truth... My feelings are friends, trying to help. When I became a Therapist, I helped people with emotional distress by sharing the concept "If darkness exists, so does the light." Now, as a mother, I am teaching my son, what is true for all ... the number one skill to success and prosperity is - Mastering Your Emotions. MyFeels was created to help children use their feelings to discover what they want in life, build healthy relationships and most of all, learn the key ingredient to being happy - self-love. MyFeels is the tool to help you and your child to feel fulfilled and create the kind of life they want.

MyFeels from my family to yours,

Karolina (Wife, Mom, Daughter)